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Engaging Professionals to Help Fundraise

On June 12, 2024, Partner Jack Sousa will participate in an ELabNYC Due Diligence Masterclass panel titled, “Engaging Professionals to Help Fundraise.” Jack and his co-panelists will address the roles founders/CEOs and external parties play in a successful fundraising effort, prior to, during and post-closing. The panel will examine the critical skills for a CEO or founder to seek externally, how to validate those skills when recruiting, options for compensating resources and understanding the value that external parties bring to a funding round.

ELabNYC is a Bio and Health Tech Accelerator. ELabNYC identifies and invites the most promising innovations and most passionate scientific and technical minds to join us annually in the ELabNYC program and to accelerate the development of technologies into successful businesses.

To learn more about the event, please click here.

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Jack Sousa

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