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Leads, Syndicates and Transitioning to Professional Investors & Soft Skills: Deal Negotiation, Investor Relationship Development

On June 13, 2024, Partner Adam Silverman participated in an ELabNYC Due Diligence Masterclass panels titled, “Leads, Syndicates and Transitioning to Professional Investors” and “Soft Skills: Deal Negotiation, Investor Relationship Development.” In the “Professional Investors” panel, Adam and his co-panelists discussed how early stage investors can manage investment risk in follow on rounds with new investors who might have different goals. In the “Soft Skills” panel, Adam and his co-panelists addressed how soft skills are assessed by investors and the community and how relationship development skills relate to investors’ decisions.

ELabNYC is a Bio and Health Tech Accelerator. ELabNYC identifies and invites the most promising innovations and most passionate scientific and technical minds to join us annually in the ELabNYC program and to accelerate the development of technologies into successful businesses.

To learn more about the event, please click here.

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Adam Silverman

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